Apollo API Documentation

Account API calls

Get account

GET /account

Returns info about the current Apollo account, its subscription, the default post and attachment categories, the time entry categories and the project categories. Includes:

  • account login, name, email, culture, timezone, creation timestamp, whether the account imeage is a gravatar or not, referral code, avatar url
  • workspace name, third level domain and main domain
  • default message to use when another user is invited (administrator only)
  • default culture to set to newly created users (administrator only)
  • whether to display tasks assigned to anyone in My tasks page (account owner only)
  • whether to display tasks assigned to my company in My tasks page (account owner only)
  • whether to hide the remember me checkbox in the login page (account owner only)
  • whether to prepend the project name in Apollo email subjects (account owner only)
  • primary company's id and name (account owner only)
  • subscription: plan name, maximum number of projects, crm-users, contacts and deals, maximum storage in MegaBytes
  • usage: active projects, internal users, external users, crm users, contacts, cases, deals and storage in MegaBytes


		"created-at":"2010-03-16 01:15:33",
				"name":"Example 1"
				"name":"Example 2"