Apollo API Documentation

Milestones API calls

Get milestones

GET /projects/#{project_id}/milestones/#{filter}

Returns all the milestones in the given project. The {filter} parameter is optional. Possible values are: “all” (the default value), “late”, “completed” and “upcoming”.


			"title":"A milestone",
			"title":"Another milestone",

Get milestone

GET /milestones/#{id}

Returns a single milestone record identified by its integer ID.


		"title":"A milestone",

Create milestone

POST /projects/#{project_id}/milestones

Creates a new milestone.


		"title":"A new milestone",


Returns HTTP status code 201 (“Created”) on success. The response contain the new milestone ID. On failure, a non-200 status code will be returned, possibly with error information in JSON format as the response's content.


Update milestone

PUT /milestones/#{id}

Updates an existing milestone. You can use this to shift the deadline of a single milestone, and optionally shift the deadlines of subsequent milestones as well. Note that you can complete a milestone by sending the “completed-at” field.


		"title":"Updated milestone",
		"move-upcoming-milestones":"1", // 1 = move milestones, 0 = don't move them
		"move-upcoming-milestones-off-weekends": 0


Returns HTTP status code 200 on success, or any other code (and possibly error information in JSON format) on error.

Destroy milestone

DELETE /milestone/#{id}

Destroys the given milestone and all of its associated comments.


Returns HTTP status code 200 on success, or any other code (and possibly error information in JSON format) on error.