Apollo API Documentation

Data reference

The following sections describe the different data types used by Apollo API. Note that timestamps are always in UTC timezone.


		// The language is coded in two lowercase characters, according to the ISO 639-1
		// standard (for instance, en for English). The country is coded in two
		// uppercase characters, according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (for instance,
		// GB for Great Britain).
		// A list of supported timezones can be found at
		// http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
		"created-at":"2010-03-16 01:15:33",
		"use-gravatar":"0", // 0 = don't use gravatar, 1 = use gravatar
				"name":"Example 1"
				"name":"Example 2"
		// 0 = show tasks, 1 = don't show them
		// 0 = show tasks, 1 = don't show them
		// 1 = disable remember me checkbox in the login page, 1 = don't disable it
		// 0 = don't prepend project name, 1 = prepend it


		// UTC timestamp
		"created-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		"updated-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		"name":"A case",
		// possible values: open or closed
		// possible values are: public, only-me, group or selected-people
		// only if you chose the "selected-people" value for the field "visibility"
		// only if you chose the "group" value for the field "visibility"
			"name":"My group",




		"name":"A calendar",

Calendar (legacy)

		"name":"A calendar",
		// Possible values: public or personal
		// Possible values: 'read-only', 'read-add', 'read-add-edit-delete'


		"body":"This is a comment",
		"created-at":"2012-05-07 15:15:26",
		// 0 = is not private, 1 = is private
				"name":"Blue hills",


		"created-at":"2010-03-16 01:15:34"


		// possible values: person or company
		// UTC timestamp
		"created-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		"updated-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		// visible only for persons
		// visible only for persons
		// visible only for companies
		// custom fields up to your plan maximum slot availability
		"custom-field-1": "Custom field value 1",
		"custom-field-2": "Custom field value 2",
		// possible values are: public, only-me, group or selected-people
		// only if you chose the "selected-people" value for the field "visibility"
		// only if you chose the "group" value for the field "visibility"
			"name":"My group",
				// possible values: work, work-cell, work-direct, mobile, fax, pager, home, home-cell, skype or
				// other
				// possible values: work, personal or other
				// possible values: aim, msn, icq, jabber, yahoo, skype, qq,
				// sametime, gadu-gadu, google talk or other
				// possible values: work, personal or other
				// possible values: work, personal or other
				// possible values: work, personal or other
				// possible values: birthday, anniversary, first-met, hired,
				// fired or custom
				// 0 = the event occurs only once,
				// 1 = the event occurs every year
				// this field is visible only if you choose the value custom
				// in the type field
				"custom-type":"You custom date"
				"address":"101 Santa Monica Boulevard",
				"city":""Santa Monica",
				"country":"United States",
				// possible values: work, home, billing or other
		// visible only for companies
		// visible only for persons


		// UTC timestamp
		"created-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		"updated-at":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		"name":"A deal",
		"description":"A deal description",
		// possible values: fixed-bid, per-hour, per-day, per-month or per-year
		// possible values: pending, won and lost
		// possible values are: public, only-me, group or selected-people
		// only if you chose the "selected-people" value for the field "visibility"
		// only if you chose the "group" value for the field "visibility"
			"name":"My group",
			"name":"A category",

Deal category

		"name":"A category",


		"id": "8143",
	    "title": "Vacation",
	    "location": "Hawaii",
	    "start-date": "2016-07-03 00:00:00",
	    "end-date": "2016-07-20 00:00:00",
	    // 0 = the event does not last all day, 1 = the event lasts all day
	    "all-day": "1",
	    "notes": "Note",
	    "created-at": "2016-05-23 14:22:20",
	    "updated-at": "2016-05-25 00:39:47",
	    // Possible values: public, for me, people in my company, members of a project
	    "privacy": "people in my company",
	    // Used only when privacy is "for me". 0 = other people cannot see thi event at all, 1 = other people can see that I'm busy
	    "show-as-busy": "0",
	    // Used only when privacy is "people in my company" or "members of a project". 1 = Whoever can see this event can edit it
	    "viewers-can-edit": "0",
	    // Not used when privacy is "for me". 1 = Whoever is invited at this event can edit it
	    "attendees-can-edit": "1",
	    "is-meeting": "1",
	    "created-by": "256346363",
	    "updated-by": "256346363",
	    // Used only if privacy is "members of a project"
	    "project": [],
	    "contact": [],
	    "category": {
	      "id": "1",
	      "name": "A category",
	      "created-by": "256346363"
	    "calendar": {
	      "id": "1563577",
	      "name": "A calendar",
	      "color": "#d2691e",
	      "created-by": "256346363"
	    "recurrence": {
	      "id": "12",
	      // Possible values: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
	      "rec-type": "weekly",
	      "rec-start": "2016-07-03",
	      "rec-end": "",
	      "rec-interval": "2",
	      "rec-days-of-week": "monday,friday,saturday",
	      // It's the day number in the month
	      "rec-day": "",
	      // Possible values: first, second, third, fourth, last
	      "rec-ordinal": "",
	      // Possible values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
	      "rec-day-of-week": "",
	      "rec-timezone": "UTC"
	  "attendees": [
	      "user-id": "56345346",
	      "user-name": "John Smith",
	      "answer": "no answer"

Event (legacy)

		"subject":"An event",
		"start":"2012-05-11 12:30:00",
		"end":"2012-05-11 15:30:00",
		// 0 = the event does not last all day, 1 = the event lasts all day
		// Possible values: public or private
		// Possible values: yes or no
		// Possible values: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
		// It's the day number in the month
		// Possible values: first, second, third, fourth, last
		// Possible values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

Event category

		"name":"A category"


			"name":"A category"	
		"notes":"Restaurant bill",
		// Possible values: not billable, billable, billed
		"billable":"not billable",
		"created-at":"2018-04-30 22:30:00",
		"updated-at":"2018-04-30 22:30:00",
		"receipt": {
			// File object


	"file": {
		// Size in bytes
		"created-at":"2012-05-07 10:27:15",
		// Possible values are: user, project, contact, comment, message or note
		// 0 = doesn't have a thumbnail, 1 = has a thumbnail
		// for attachments with multiple versions, file-group-id specifies the id of
		// the collection (all the different versions of a file have the same
		// file-group-id)
		// 1 = is private, 0 = is not private


		"title":"This is a new link",
		"description":"Integrated project and contact management done right",
		"created-at":"2012-01-26 16:10:23",
		// 0 = is not private, 1 = is private
			"name":"Charlie Price",


		"title":"This is a new message",
		"body":"<b>Important:</b><br /><br /><i>read this message</i>",
		"created-at":"2012-01-26 16:10:23",
		// 0 = is not private, 1 = is private
		// 0 = is not pinned, 1 = is pinned
		"commented-on":"2012-05-07 15:15:26",
			"name":"Charlie Price",
			"title":"A milestone",


		"title":"A milestone",
		// “null” if the milestone is still not completed
		"created-at":"2011-11-27 16:23:17",
		"last-modified-at":"2012-05-07 17:39:57",
			"name":"Christopher Everette",


		"body":"A note",
		// UTC timestamp
		"date":"2012-05-24 15:30:34",
		// possible values are: public, only-me, group or selected-people
		// only if you chose the "selected-people" value for the field "visibility"
		// only if the note is attached to a contact
		// only if the note is attached to a case
		// only if the note is attached to e deal
		// only if you chose the "group" value for the field "visibility"
			"name":"My group",


	"project": {
		"id": "252790",
		"name": "This is a project",
		"description": "This is the description of a project",
		"created-at": "2011-07-14 13:53:13",
		// Possible status are: active, silent, archived and template
		"status": "active",
		"project-manager-id": "3981",
		"overview-page-announcement": "",
		// Possible values are: activity, messages, task-lists, milestones,
		// files, time, people-and-permissions, project-settings and writeboards
		"start-page": "activity",
		// 1 = don't send email notifications for this project,
		// 0 = send notifications as usual
		"no-email-notifications": "0",
		// 1 = display project overview page announcement,
		// 0 = don't display it
		"display-announcement": "0",
		// 1 = allow multiple responsibles on tasks,
		// 0 = allow only a responsible on tasks
		"allow-multiple-responsibles": "1",
		// 1 = allow html, 0 = don't allow it
		"allow-html-in-announcement": "1",
		// 1 = new items in this project will be created private by default,
		// 0 = new items will be created not private by default
		"default-to-private": "0",
		// To set a related contact and/or deal
		"contact-id": "20976357",
		"deal-id": "19751092",
		// If this project is for a certain person or company
		"contact": [],
		// If this project is for a certain deal
		"deal": []
		"category": [],
		// If you want to create a project from a template
		"template-id": "643747",
		"is-strict": "0",
		"start-date": "2018-11-01",
		"due-date": "2019-03-31",
		// Estimated time in minutes (integer)
		"estimated-time": "3000",
		// Max billable time in minutes (integer)
		"max-billable-time": "1500",
		// 1 = Warn the project manager (or users that can manage projects if a
		// project manager is not set) when the billable time limit is about to
		// be reached
		// 0 = Do not warn
		"max-billable-time-warning": "1",
		// 1 = Override workspace time tracking rules for this project
		// 0 = User workspace time tracking rules
		"override-default-time-logging-settings" = "0",
		// 0 = Disable time logging for past or future (see field name)
		// 1 = Enable indefinite time logging for past or future 
		// custom = Limit time logging to a custom number of days/months/weeks
		// for past or future
		"past-time-logging": "custom",
		"future-time-logging": "1",
		// Time logging limit number of days, weeks or months
		"past-time-logging-qty": "7",
		"future-time-logging-qty": "0",
		// Time logging limit type: Possible values are days, weeks and months
		"past-time-logging-type": "days",
		"future-time-logging-type": "days"


		"subject":"This is a task",
		"notes":"Notes on task",
		// Possible values are: not started, started, done
		"state":"not started",
		// Number of seconds (integer)
		// This flag is used only with CRM tasks. 
		// 0 = only creator and assignees can see the task, 1 = every CRM user can see the task
		"parent-id": "611",

Task list

		"name":"This is a task list",
		// 0 = is not private, 1 = is private
		"created-at":"2011-09-27 15:53:28",
		"updated-at":"2012-05-04 15:27:05",
		// 1 = is hidden, 0 = is not hidden

Time entry

		"notes":"Some notes",
		// Can be either a contact, case or deal
		// possible values are: unset, not billable, billable, billed


		"name":"Darrell M. Stearn",
		"status-message-updated-at":"2010-07-27 14:15:12",
		// The language is coded in two lowercase characters, according to the ISO 639-1
		// standard (for instance, en for English). The country is coded in two
		// uppercase characters, according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (for instance,
		// GB for Great Britain).
		"created-at":"2010-03-16 01:15:34",
		// 0 = is not admin, 1 = is admin
		// 0 = internal user, 1 = external user
		// 0 = is not crm enabled, 1 = is crm enabled
		// 1 = the user i automatically included when a new project is created,
		// 0 = the user is not included
		// 0 = is not account owner, 1 = is account owner
		// 1 = user wants to be notified when a task is due,
		// 0 = user doesn't want to be notified
		// 1 = user wants to be notified when a task is assigned to him,
		// 0 = user doesn't want to be notified
		// 1 = user receive a daily email with all his upcoming tasks,
		// 0 = user doesn't receive the email
		// 1 = the email is sent only on workdays,
		// 0 = the email is sent everyday
		// 1 = no notifications will be sent for comments already read,
		// 0 = notifications sent anyway
		// 1 = user will be subscribed automatically to any new message,
		// 0 = user will not be subscribed automatically
		// 1 = user don't receive notifications for his own comments,
		// 0 = user receive notifications anyway
		// 1 = invert comments order,
		// 0 = don't invert comments order
		// 1 = user receive a daily digest of his activities,
		// 0 = user doesn't receive any digest
		// 1 = every user allowed to see the project will be notified when a
		// new message is posted, 0 = only subscribed users will be notified
		// 1 = when generating i-cal feed tasks will be exported as events (for
		// compatibility with some clients), 0 = tasks will not be exported as
		// events
		// when the user creates a new project tasks it will be assigned by
		// default to: 0 (anyone), 1 (the user himself), 2 (the user's company)
		// 1 = always use https, 0 = don't always use https
		// 1 = when opening Apollo overview the user see contacts' feed as the
		// default page, 0 = projects' feed as default page
		// 1 = when opening Apollo contacts' section the user see the contacts' list
		// as the default page, 0 = activities' feed as default page
		// 1 = user can export contacts,
		// 0 = user cannot export contacts
		// By default new contacts created by this user are visible to:
		// 0 (anyone), 1 (only the user)
		// 1 = notes in contacts' pages will not be truncated,
		// 0 = notes in contacts' pages will be truncated as usual
		// New deals, created by this user, will have this currency
		// by default


		"id": "2258",
		"project-id": "371728",
		"title": "Title",
		"created-at": "2013-04-03 10:19:02",
		"created-by": "2",
		"updated-at": "2013-04-03 10:19:02",
		"updated-by": "2",
		"is-private": "0",
		"subscribers": [
		"revisions": [
				"id": "4972",
				"project-id": "371728",
				"writeboard-id": "2258",
				"plain-text": "This is a paragraph",
				"created-at": "2013-04-03 10:19:02",
				"created-by": "2",
				"updated-at": "2013-04-03 10:19:02",
				"updated-by": "2",
				"revision-number": "6",
				"html-text": "<p>This is paragraph</p>"