Apollo API Documentation

Legacy events API calls

List all events

GET /calendars/events?#{search_query}

Returns a collection of events that are visible to the authenticated user. Use the search query to refine your search. Available parameters are:

  • “page”: if the results are many you can jump to the next page using the “page” parameter.
  • “from”: you can ignore events before a certain date.
  • “to”: you can ignore events after a certain date.
  • “calendar-ids”: a list of calendar ids in the form of a string (Ex.: '42633755,42600755,3648922').


			"subject":"An event",
			"subject":"Another event",

List all recurrent events

GET /calendars/events/recurrent?#{search_query}

Returns a collection of recurrent events that are visible to the authenticated user. Use the search query to refine your search. Available parameters are:

  • “page”: if the results are many you can jump to the next page using the “page” parameter.
  • “from”: you can ignore events before a certain date.
  • “to”: you can ignore events after a certain date.
  • “calendar-ids”: a list of calendar ids in the form of a string (Ex.: '42633755,42600755,3648922').


			"subject":"An event",
			"subject":"Another event",

Get event

GET /events/#{id}

Returns a single event record identified by its integer ID.


		"subject":"An event",

Create event

POST /calendars/#{calendar_id}/events

Creates a new event.


		"subject":"Meet up",
		"location":"New York",
		"start":"2012-11-05 10:30:00",
		"end":"2012-11-05 13:30:00",


Returns HTTP status code 201 (“Created”) on success. The response contain the new event ID. On failure, a non-200 status code will be returned, possibly with error information in JSON format as the response's content.


Update event

PUT /events/#{id}

Updates an existing event.


		"subject":"Updated event",


Returns HTTP status code 200 on success, or any other code (and possibly error information in JSON format) on error.

Destroy event

DELETE /events/#{id}

Destroys the given event.


Returns HTTP status code 200 on success, or any other code (and possibly error information in JSON format) on error.